The Beat
UPPER DECK initially included Senator Hillary Clinton in a set of election-themed trading cards to be released this year, but the caricature on the cards (below) wasn't exactly presidential. Clinton was depicted as 1980s stadium fixture Morganna the Kissing Bandit—short shorts and all. Last week Upper Deck decided the illustration was too unflattering and recalled the cards. A few slipped out, however, and bidding on eBay reached $1,375.... Good news on the Bad Newz Kennel front. Twenty-two of the pit bulls seized from Michael Vick's dog-fighting compound have been moved to the Best Friends Animal Society in Utah, and a National Geographic Channel reality series called Dogtown will follow their recovery this summer. Friends staffers are blogging about the "Vicktory dogs" at bestfriends.org. Of a scarred pit bull named Lucas, one staffer wrote, "[He] is still nothing but kisses and smiles." ... Semi-Pro star Will Ferrell might have another athlete role left in him. He is coproducing an HBO series called East Bound and Down, about a "John Rocker--type" who crashes and burns before heading home to teach P.E. in North Carolina.
Celebrity Central
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