Founder: Henry R. Luce 1898--1967
Editor-in-Chief: John Huey
Managing Editor, Time Inc.: James Kelly
Chairman, CEO: Ann S. Moore
Executive Vice Presidents: Sylvia Auton, Howard M. Averill, Stephanie George, John Squires
Editor, Sports Illustrated Group: Terry McDonell
Deputy Managing Editor: David Bauer
Executive Editors: Michael Bevans, Charlie Leerhsen
Assistant Managing Editors: Neil Cohen (SI Presents); James P. Herre (Golf Plus); Hank Hersch, Craig Neff
Creative Director: Steven Hoffman
Director of Photography: Steve Fine
Managing Editor, SI.com: Paul Fichtenbaum
Senior Editor, Chief of Reporters: Richard Demak
Senior Editors: Mark Bechtel, Trisha Lucey Blackmar, Stephen Cannella, Aimee Crawford, Dick Friedman, Mark Godich, Jim Gorant (Golf Plus); Christopher Hunt (Articles); Stefanie Kaufman (Operations); Gregory Kelly, Kostya P. Kennedy, Albert Lin, Mark Mravic, Richard O'Brien, Sebastiàn Pérez-Ferreiro (SI Latino); Diane Smith (Swimsuit); Christian Stone
Art Directors: Craig Gartner (SI Presents); Christopher Hercik, Edward P. Truscio
Copy Chief: Gabe Miller
Director of Operations: Robert Kanell
Director of Imaging: Geoffrey A. Michaud
Edit Finance Director: Brian Clavell
Edit Operations Manager: Nina Prado
Senior Contributing Writer: Frank Deford
Senior Writers: Kelli Anderson, Chris Ballard, Michael Bamberger, George Dohrmann, Michael Farber, John Garrity, Damon Hack, Jon Heyman, Richard Hoffer, Lee Jenkins, Peter King, Tim Layden, Jack McCallum, J. Austin Murphy, Dan Patrick, S.L. Price, Selena Roberts, Alan Shipnuck, Gary Smith, Phil Taylor, Ian Thomsen, Jim Trotter, Gary Van Sickle, Tom Verducci, Grant Wahl, L. Jon Wertheim, Alexander Wolff, Paul Zimmerman
Associate Editors: M.J. Day (Swimsuit); Luis Fernando Llosa (SI Latino); Gene Menez, David Sabino (Statistics); Bill Syken
Staff Writers: Lars Anderson, Mark Beech, Brian Cazeneuve, Albert Chen, Seth Davis, Chris Mannix
Deputy Chief of Reporters: Lawrence Mondi
Writer-Reporters: David Epstein, Farrell Evans, Andrew Lawrence, Rick Lipsey, Julia Morrill, Elizabeth Newman, Ben Reiter, Melissa Segura
Reporters: Connie Aitcheson, Lisa Altobelli, Kelvin C. Bias, Adam Duerson, Sarah Kwak, Joe Lemire, Elizabeth McGarr, Rebecca Sun, Pablo S. Torre
Research Assistant: Darcie Baum (Swimsuit)
Photography Editor: James K. Colton
Senior Staff Photographer: Heinz Kluetmeier
Photography: Greg Choat, George G. Washington (Deputy Editors); Jeffrey Weig (SI Presents); Porter Binks, Linda Bonenfant, Claire Bourgeois, Diana Eliazov, Nate Gordon, Miriam Marseu, Marguerite Schropp Lucarelli, Kari Stein (Associate Editors); Don Delliquanti, Jennifer R. Grad (Assistant Editors); Daniel Jimenez, Mel Levine, Erick Rasco, Carlos Miguel Saavedra
Photographers: Robert Beck, John Biever, Simon Bruty, Bill Eppridge, Bill Frakes, John Iacono, Walter Iooss Jr., Lynn Johnson, David E. Klutho, Bob Martin, John W. McDonough, Manny Millan, Peter Read Miller, Bob Rosato, Jeffery A. Salter, Chuck Solomon, Damian Strohmeyer, Al Tielemans
Design: Joanna Farrimond, Eric Marquard, Jay Soysal, Linda Tran (Deputy Art Directors); Karen Meneghin (Associate Director); Dwayne Bernard, Josh Denkin, Stephen Skalocky (Designers)
Copy Chief, Special Projects: Pamela Ann Roberts
Copy Desk: Richard McAdams (Deputy); Rich Donnelly, Robert G. Dunn, Jill Jaroff, A. Denis Johnston, Kevin Kerr, Nancy Ramsey, Anthony Scheitinger, John M. Shostrom (Copy Editors); Helen Wilson (Editorial Assistant)
Technology Support: Annabelle Soper (Senior Director); Alvin Lee (Manager); Joseph Babich, Jeffrey Cecilio, Ginny Gilroy, Kevin Kelly, David Matinho, Josset Rawle, Mike Wolf
Technology Solutions: Scott Smith (Associate Director); Phil Jache (Technology Fellow); John Arbucci, Michael Sheehan (Managers); David Attwood, Ken Baierlein, Ellen Bohan, Barry Heckard, Michael Kiaer, John Meyer, Tom Morgan, Joe Ponzo, Jonathan Vasata, Ed Wong, Heloisa Zero
Operations: Luisa Durante, Kerith C. Foley (Associate Directors); Tracy Carolonza, Mary Michael, Jennifer Putrelo, Donald Stone (Managers); Leslie Fluri, Mitch Getz, Cheri Nicholson, Abigail O'Neill, Abigail Pellegrino, Justin Sluder (Assistant Managers); Ashley Fitzpatrick, Jaclyn Manning
Imaging: Dan Larkin, Robert M. Thompson (Managers); Annmarie Modugno-Avila (Assistant Manager); John Goodman, William Y. Lew, Brian Mai, Charles Maxwell, Lorenzo P. Pace, Clara Renauro, Donald Schaedtler, Lorri Stenton, George Sumerak, Hai Tan, Sandra Vallejos
News Bureau: Angel Reyes
Library: Joy Birdsong (Manager); Natasha Simon, Susan Szeliga
Special Contributors: Walter Bingham, Robert H. Boyle, John Ed Bradley, Robert W. Creamer, Ron Fimrite, Rob Fleder (SI Books); Karl Taro Greenfeld, Neil Leifer, Jeff MacGregor, Pierre McGuire, Bill Scheft, John Schulian, E.M. Swift
SI.com: Adam Levine (Executive Editor); Dan George (Supervising Producer); B.J. Schecter (Assistant Managing Editor/Integration); Larry Burke, Bobby Clay, Ryan Hunt, Jacob Luft (Senior Editors); Richard Deitsch (Special Projects Editor); Lonny Krasnow, Andrew Perloff, Jimmy Traina (Senior Producers); Dom Bonvissuto, Gennaro Filice, Paul Forrester, Jonah Freedman, Andy Gray, Ted Keith, Cory McCartney, Jeff Ritter, John Rolfe, Bill Trocchi, Brad Weinstein, Scott Wraight (Producers); Jody Woodman (Copy Editor); Kevin Armstrong, Jay Clemons, Bryan A. Graham, Nicki Jhabvala, Nina Mandell, Mallory Rubin (Associate Producers); Don Banks, Marty Burns, John Donovan, Stewart Mandel, Pete McEntegart, Luke Winn (Senior Writers); Arash Markazi, Andy Staples (Staff Writers); Chris Heine (Design Director); Randall Grant (Senior Designer); John Blackmar (Photo Director); David Kaye (Senior Photo Producer); Paul Henshaw (Production Editor); Jennifer Barber, Jim Beahm, Shamika Brown (Project Managers); Orlando Caraballo, Susan Chan, Yin Chan, Laura-Jeanne Monahos, Nelson Tai (Webmasters); Helin Jung (Administrative Assistant)
Golf.com: Charlie Hanger (Executive Editor); David Dusek (Deputy Editor); Ryan Reiterman, Anne Szeker (Producers); Omar Sharif (Associate Art Director)
SI Productions: Jonathan Hutchison (Coordinating Producer); Vanessa Manca (Associate Producer)
SI Kids: Bob Der (Managing Editor); Beth Power Bugler (Creative Director); Justin Tejada (Assistant Managing Editor); Sachin Shenolikar, Andrea Woo (Senior Editors); Edward Duarte (Senior Art Director); Gina Houseman (Assistant Photo Editor); André Carter, Gary Gramling (Writer-Reporters); Sarah Braunstein (Research Assistant); Bill Hinds (Special Contributor); Paul Kim (Executive Producer, sikids.com); Duane Munn, Paul Ulane (Producers, sikids.com)
Letters: Linda Verigan (Director); Liz Greco
Editorial Business Office: Julia Luu (Deputy); Patricia Emptage, Mary Wong
Administration: Joan Rosinsky, Leon Avelino
President, Sports Illustrated Group: Mark Ford
President, SI Digital: Jeff Price
Chief Marketing Officer: Andrew R. Judelson
Vice President, Advertising Sales: Richard A. Raskopf
Vice President, Consumer Marketing: John Reese
Vice President, Communications: Scott Novak
General Manager: Susan Roberson
Financial Director: Peter Greer
Vice President, General Manager, SI Digital: Ken Fuchs
Vice President, General Manager, SI Digital: Stacey Vollman Warwick
Consumer Marketing: Mark Beavers, Andy Borinstein, Christopher Butler, Ann Marie Doherty, Mitch Gready, Elizabeth Katz (Directors); Melissa Mahoney, Michael Malloy, Karen Serrano, Alex Sutton, Kim Thalmann, Ayanna Victorin (Managers); Jeff Brunelle, Nancy D'Auria, Adrian Graham, Joseph Kim, Lucia Lacivita, Jason Rollieson, Courtney Schwartz, Stephanie Shaiken, Ben Sider, Nick Tomasso
Advertising Sales: SI.com: Patrick Albano (National Director, Digital Sales); Andrew Derr, Michael Stillman (Regional Sales Managers)
Atlanta: John Gordon (Franchise Director); David Mozier (Franchise Sales Manager); Megan Gunnels
Boston: John S. Cooney (Franchise Director); Omer Zia Jilani, Jeffrey Melei (Franchise Sales Managers), Cathryn O'Connor
Chicago: Thomas R. Buerger (Franchise Director); Jeremy Bowman, Matthew J. Cline, Joseph P. Hoffmann (Franchise Sales Managers); Patricia Grabowski, Gail Pecelunas, Michelle DelSignore
Dallas: Martin B. Crawford (Franchise Director); Allen Hooser (Franchise Sales Manager); Kamilah Doss
Detroit: John Schram (Franchise Director); Donna Christensen, Jeff Kelosky, Bill Waldman (Franchise Sales Managers); Pamela Freeze, Kelly Konarski
Los Angeles: Matthew Sganga (Franchise Director); Timothy Angelillo, Molly Norberg (Franchise Sales Managers); Kayci Newcomer
New York: Jeff Griffing (Vice President); Garth Rogers (Director, Advertising Strategy); Michael Safran (Franchise Manager); Janice M. Baio, Bill Binan, Mike Cohen, Jay FitzGerald, Scott Graham, Cynthia Mathes Howard, Jessica McCourt, David H. Means Jr., Jon Nagy, Peter Weinstock (Franchise Sales Managers); Lisa Emovi, Timothy Rainsberger, Michael Rizzo
San Diego: Brian Fortini (Franchise Director); Kylie Jenkins
San Francisco: John Handley (Franchise Director); Yolande Heller, Carrington Northrop (Franchise Sales Managers); Katherine Donnelly, Magali Merat
SI Latino: Michelle Castro (Account Manager)
Canada: Rob DePodesta (Account Manager)
Client Marketing: Janet Alvarez, Charles Saunders (Executive Directors); Suzanne Bursiek, Bill Colihan, Jon Neckes, Meghan Reilly (Directors); Sarah Glowacki, Justin Hergianto, Andrew Hoffman, Shaun Koiner, Bridget Morrisey, Kristina Pelkey, Leeann Teager (Managers); Caitlin Barreto, Emily Chambers, Lindsay Clayton, Colleen Davidson, Elizabeth Furbish, Nicole Luber, Michael Zuckerman
SI Digital: Marcella DeSantis Regniault (Vice President, Business Operations); Christopher Gibbons, Bruce Kaufman, Brian Michielini (Directors); Anthony Diaz (Senior Manager); Steven Malatesta, Michael Phillips (Managers); Dominic Aratari, Paul Salomone, Steven Verde, Derryl Williams
Brand Marketing: Amy S. Steiner (Executive Director); John Jaxheimer (Creative Services Director); Jay Bowen, Stuart Schwartz, Corrie Wilder (Art Directors); Alec Morrison (Custom Content Director); Chioma Aduba, Evin Dobson (Managers); Lou Dubois, Chrys Markou, Christine Salomone
Event Marketing & Athlete Relations: Christine Rosa (Executive Director); Kristen Leoce, Meda Rosca (Managers); Maria Montoya, Christina Nishihara
Content Management Group: Karen Carpenter (Director); Prem Kalliat (Manager); George Amores, Joseph Felice, Piotr Kuczynski
Finance: Steve Federman, Samantha Friedman, Michelle Hsueh, Morgan Krug, Caitlin McDonald, Brendan Munson, Setrechia Tulloch, Joseph Tumminello Jr., Andrew Weissman
Communications: Kelli Raftery (Director); Karen Dmochowsky, Chris Mahr
Administration: Theresa Fitzpatrick, Liz Johnson, Delia Leahy, Jenna Williams
SI Kids: Scott Hendrickson (Vice President, Ad Sales and Marketing); John Kerner (Vice President, Consumer Marketing); Eileen Masio (Executive Director)
Legal: Judith R. Margolin
Human Resources: Liz Mattila
Time Inc.
Executive Editor, Time Inc.: Sheryl Hilliard Tucker
Development Editor, Time Inc.: Bill Shapiro
The Media Group: Wayne Powers (President, Time Inc. Media Group); Leslie Picard (Senior Vice President, CS&M); Amanda Kanaga (Senior Vice President, Digital); Betsy Frank (Chief Research & Insights Officer); Lisa Pols (Vice President, General Manager); Tim Reisen (Vice President, CS&M Detroit); Grant Schneider (Chief Marketing Officer); Lance Mald (Chief Creative Officer, Media Group); Peter Bauer (Vice President, CS&M); Mary Haskin (Vice President, Marketing and Sales Development); Mary Wojciechowski (Vice President, Database Marketing); Jeff Sapan (Vice President, Integrated Marketing)
Editorial Technology: Mitchell A. Klaif (Senior Vice President); Agatha M. Cutrone, Abe Cytryn, Scott Haglund (Vice Presidents); Thomas Klein, Jimmie Tomei (Senior Directors)