FOR JULY 24--31, 2017
Perhaps to complement the Fashionable 50, you could name a Generous 10 and highlight athletes who set a positive example to our youth. After all, there is more to life than looking good.
Stephen P. Havera, Lewistown, Ill.
How could you overlook Warriors guard Nick (Swaggy P) Young, who has his own nonathletic clothing line? That's an epic fashion fail.
Dan Forer, Los Angeles
Though the text of the article about ACL tears was great, the accompanying diagram was incorrect (SCORECARD). The lateral collateral ligament runs along the outside of the knee; since the picture showed a right knee, the LCL would be on the left (as below). The medial would be on the right.
Brad Brainard, Tucson
Medial Collateral
Lateral Collateral
Kudos to Tim Layden for a great trip down memory lane. Each paragraph brought to life intriguing matchups and comparisons of players, old school and new. I finished it wishing for more.
Bob Locke, Glendale, Ariz.
I was very happy for former Colts GM Ernie Accorsi, who, 34 years after drafting John Elway only to be forced to trade him, finally got his man.
Tony McCoy, St. Petersburg
I very much enjoyed Michael Rosenberg's piece on umpire Joe West(The Last Cowboy) and have now changed my opinion of the man. West seems to know what he wants in life and isn't afraid to get busy achieving it. I only wish he didn't want to be the star of the game so often.
Mike Coyne
Wake Forest, N.C.
The week that Roger Federer, the greatest men's tennis player of all time, wins his eighth Wimbledon title and 19th Grand Slam at age 35 (Eighth Wonder), SI elects to feature Russell Westbrook, fashion icon, on its cover. Surely this is a Sign of the Apocalypse.
Craig Voegele, Olympia, Wash.
Thank you for Charles P. Pierce's piece about hype surrounding the Floyd Mayweather--Conor McGregor fight. As a public school teacher I know many young people look up to professional athletes. When they spew hateful rhetoric, it sends the message that such behavior is acceptable and potentially even lucrative.
Joshua Keels, San Francisco
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