KEITH HERNANDEZ wants to tell you what he's doing today—to let you know where he is and how his cat, Hadji, is feeling. The Mets' broadcaster and former MLB first baseman engages in a genial information dump almost daily on Twitter, and it makes his account one of the most delightful in sports if not on the entire platform.
Hernandez began tweeting regularly in late March, but he doesn't do it to circulate news or provoke arguments or endorse products. There's no sense of filtering or curating. Social media increasingly feels like a place for personal brands rather than actual people, but @keithhernandez mixes baseball commentary with music recommendations and flight updates—often within a single tweet: "Off to gym soon, lunch after, nap, then off to the park by 2:30. Have a good day. I feel Rosario will be fine at the plate. just leave him alone and let him learn the strike zone as he gets more experienced Pat Roessler has my full and complete confidence."
When the Mets visited St. Louis, Hernandez tweeted out a 45-second video from his hotel room that contained advice on packing for a road trip. (Always do it the night before, he urges.) He ends the clip by saying, "I've got to get in the shower, order room service, get dressed and back at 'em. Talk to you later."
Hernandez's dispatches sound as if they could be his phone calls to a buddy. That's exactly how it feels to read his feed—and Twitter is better for it.